¡Hola!, I'm Chris Diaz 👋🏽

An aspiring software engineer currently studying Computer Science. Apasionado por el aprendizaje y el crecimiento, disfruto explorando nuevas tecnologías y mejorando mis habilidades cada día.

Chris Diaz

What empowers me

I have a deep passion for technology and am eager to grow my skills. I’ve been learning software development, focusing on web platforms like Django and React for web applications. I’m comfortable working with Linux and enjoy experimenting with Raspberry Pi and Arduino for hands-on projects. I’m also exploring mobile development, AWS cloud services, and artificial intelligence, looking for ways to integrate these technologies into real-world applications. As I continue to build my experience, I’m excited to take on new challenges, improve my skills, and contribute to innovative projects.
CSS logo CSS
JavaScript logo JavaScript
django logo django
react-logo React.js
ubuntu-logo Ubuntu